Inst-Perf-Act (I-P-A)
Christo and Jeanne-Claude (USA) - "Over the River" LINK>>
Michael Mayhew (UK) - "Hello I Love You"(performance)
Mark Oliver (USA) - "Feces Awareness", "Theories of Resistance"(DVD)
Tony Lopez (UK) - "Wall-Object" (installation) and www.wall-object.com
Joel Cahen (UK) - "SPAX-OID" (performance/installation) www.newtoy.org
Patricia Jauch (USA) - "The Warp and Weft of Consciousness"
Jukka Korpi, Sten Sandell (Sweden) - "Melodica Anatomica" (performance -Live)
Anna Marcus (Russia) - "End to a War" (installation)
Peter Lerner (Russia) - "Window to Europe" (installation) Ioanna Kazaki (Greece) - "Findings from the planet earth" (installation) www.caviart.gr
Bernard Foucher (France) - "Memory" www.bernard-foucher.com
Perry Rath(Canada) - "Soul Cakes" www.perryrath.com
Adi Weizmann Aharoni (Israel) - "Crossroads"
Felix Volosenkov (Russia) -"Square Trinomial" (object)
Nika Kuhtina (Russia) - "Test. Choose the color" (interactive media action)
Hayrick (Russia) - "Autumn" (live)
Odd Dance Theatre (Russia) - "Improvisations" ( Art - laboratory) www.odddance.org
"Sound Script 33"(Russia) - www.soundscript33.ru
"IDDI" (Russia) - (presentation of album) www.iddi.ru
Theater "Palm" (Russia) - "Pinehz's Pushkin"
Willi Landsknecht (Germany) - 1:1 (continue)
Oren Kawaii (Izrail) - "4 new sound-traks"
Axel Schulss (Germany) - "Zeitlos klasse platte" (presentation of album)
"PUDRA" (Russia) - (presentation of album) www.pudra.de
Ilja Seletsky (Russia) - "Me and Marta" (Live) www.pine-cone.nm.ru
Rosanna Guy Greaves (UK) - СYour Shadow At My BackТ
Jenja Glukk (Russia) - 'Maofozies' (Russia) (live)
John Milton Branton (Canada) - "Yesterday Upon the Stair" (DVD) LINK>>
Clemens Goldbach (Germany) - "The suitcase of a journey" (movie, DVD)
ћ-Design (S.Kudas & A.Lebedev) (Russia) - "Nose"
T.R.O. (international artgroup, based in Berlin) - 'Tea with a Majesty"
Maria Zennstrem&Johanes Bergmark (Sweden) - "Katarinas sovjetiska upplevelser' (movie)
Gillian McIver (Canada / UK) - "SENTENCE" www.artsite.org.uk Milo Taylor (UK) "REQUIEM"- (Winner of Derelict Sensation Film Award 2003) www.suborg.com
Gillian McIver&Nazir Tanbouli - "ASHRI / I FEEL GOOD" www.nazirtanbouli.com Hilary Powell (UK) SCRAPLANDS www.optimisticproductions.com Elena Nemkova (Russia) - "Serious" (DVD)
Eva Caridi (Greece) - "Split in TWO" (DVD)
Joel Cahen (UK) - "BUSBUG" - (Winner of Halloween Festival Best Low-Budget Film 2004) www.newtoy.org Dmitry Frolov (Russia) - "Father's meat " (movie) http://dmitrfrolov.narod.ru/new/Myaso.html
"Ten minutes of silence" http://dmitrfrolov.narod.ru/silent.htm
Kathrin Ollroge (Germany) - "CONCRETE ISLANDS" (photo)
Andrey Efi (Russia) - "Bums" (DVD)
Sarawut Chutiwongpeti (Taiwan) - "Wishes, Lies and Dreams II" http://www.chutiwongpeti.info
Corinne N. Othenin-Girard (Australia) - "The golden egg and other tales"
Angela Bartram (UK) - СFur KissТ , СSpeechless ActsТ (DVD) Dmitriy Samsonkov (Russia) - "Moscow-Naphthalene", "Infancy"
Andrey Sovlachkov, Michael Gnedin, Victoria Kashtan (Russia) - "The Story about Chaos City"
Lillo & Borzch (Russia) - "Movies"
Alpha - Betha
Karl Wolff (Germany) - "Ex Oriente Luxus" (presentation of a poetry book)
Gluklia, Irina Dudina & girls (Russia) - "Golden Foot" (live)
Tamara Bukowsakaja (Russia)- presentation of the literature magazine "ACT"(live)
Valery Mishin (Russia) - "Quadrotext" (live)
Sebastian Schlicher - "Apples, Bums, Puzzles, and Eggcups; Oh The Guilt"
Joseph Beuys - a Program about activity of the artist Eintritt in ein Lebewesen (1977) and others...
Anna Maria Giannini (UK) - "(Dis)Locate"
Ingrid Koivukangas - (Canada) - (online) www.ingrid-koivukangas.com
Leading Tone Arts Productions (Canada) - (online) http://www.leadingtonearts.com
Miika Nyyssenen (Finland) - (online) www.miikanyyssonen.com/artconcept.htm
Abigail Jones (UK) - "Bureau of Problem Solving" (online) www.bureauofproblemsolving.com
УDiscothequeФ(UK) Ц www.discotheque.me.uk